Rotary Reykjavík International

Stofnaður þriðjudagur, 1. nóvember 2005
Klúbburinn 71115 - Rótarýumdæmið á Íslandi - Stofnnúmer

Some of Our Projects

We participate in one local and one international project annually - often in cooperation with other Rotary clubs. Past projects include:

- Provision of furniture and books for Madikane school, near Durban South Africa.

- Cooperation with Japanese Rotarians to donate wheelchairs to a home for the elderly destroyed by the Tsunami in 2011.

- Dictionaries to Spanish-speaking immigrant children through the International House

- Annual donations to the The Family Support Fund of Reykjavik (Mæðrastyrksnefnd) 2008-2010.

- Donation to the Single parents Association (Félag Einstæðra Foreldra) in 2012.

- Planting a Rotary Reykjavik International forest near Vík í Myrdal.

- Donations to maintain and develop the website,


Virkir félagar 15
- Karlar 11
- Konur 4
Paul Harris félagi 0
Gestafélagar 0
Heiðursfélagar 1
Aðrir tengiliðir 0


Hús sjávarklasans

Grandagarður 16
101 Reykjavík